nVision Global – iFocus

Leverage Real-Time Visibility via Logistics Software

Why is supply chain visibility so important? Logistics executives must be able to concisely answer this question if they’re hoping to gain companywide buy-in for investing in and implementing supply chain tools for greater visibility. This task shouldn’t be too arduous considering the concrete advantages and benefits supply chain professionals can gain by budgeting and dedicating dollars to the sole task of improving visibility. Better visibility can include additional benefits such as improved customer service and satisfaction, money and time savings, reduced overstock, as well as greater compliance, agility, and resiliency.

Visibility has gone high-tech

With recent developments in artificial and business intelligence, true visibility through on-demand global data gathering is within reach for leaders of companies of all sizes. Logistics technology solutions deliver end-to-end connectivity to supply chain partners and in-place solutions such as existing enterprise resource planning systems. Through these connections, visibility solutions enable supply chain managers to optimize operations such as warehousing, procurement, transportation, and the like by delivering up-to-date statuses and complex scenario modeling. This, in turn, allows them to make data-driven business decisions.

Through machine learning, logistics solutions can now consider real-time data sources that might affect the supply chain — such as weather, political developments, traffic, and customer demand — then recommend potential reroutes and alternatives to achieve the least number of disruptions possible. Logistics professionals can use this advanced visibility to focus on more proactive rather than reactive efforts, taking their decision-making and planning abilities to the next level.

Achieving next-level visibility

To gain the growing advantages today’s supply chain management solutions offer, logistics leaders need to first lay the groundwork before delving into technology implementations. They will need top-level buy-in and enthusiasm for visibility improvement endeavors. With this support, they can:

  • gather data about their own pain points, risks, and threats;
  • clearly define measurable goals and expectations as well as ensure all involved clearly understand;
  • establish and feed collaborative relationships with supply chain partners;
  • begin the process of acquiring the right technology solutions customized to their organizations; and
  • measure and evaluate results, continually looking for ways to improve.

Although this process might seem overwhelming, once logistics decision-makers put the right technologies in place and everyone in the company understands how to leverage them, results will likely be worthwhile. In a competitive global industry, foregoing the tools necessary for optimal decision-making is less than ideal. Visibility enables supply chain leaders to plan more efficiently and execute more productively, saving time, money, and other resources.

[cta]As a global business partner, nVision Global professionals provide the industry-leading business intelligence solutions necessary to help clients maximize visibility within their supply chains. To learn more about nVision Global, visit us at nvisionglobal.com or call 770.474.4122.[/cta]