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Should Supply Chain Executives Hire More Millennials?

Millennials are becoming increasingly interested in careers in the supply chain arena. And despite stereotypes that plague them —being unrealistic, entitled, and unreliable, among others — many millennials are seeking out and thriving in supply chain positions. Why the sudden interest? According to a report from APICS, APQC, and Supply Chain Management Review, the supply […]

The Far Reach of Amazon Seller Flex

Since fall 2017, reports have been circulating about the new Amazon delivery service, Seller Flex. With buzz touting the disruptive nature of this new Amazon venture, theories on its potential effects abound. Is it meant to oust UPS and FedEx? Will it further revolutionize customer service? While many business executives are curiously waiting to see […]

Manage Human Rights in the Supply Chain with Due Diligence

Human rights due diligence (HRDD) is a phrase surfacing more and more as supply chain practices come under increased scrutiny and officials implement more regulations to prevent human trafficking, child labor, and slavery in supply networks. The California Transparency in Supply Chains Act is one regulatory example in the United States, and a few related […]

Leverage Real-Time Visibility via Logistics Software

Why is supply chain visibility so important? Logistics executives must be able to concisely answer this question if they’re hoping to gain companywide buy-in for investing in and implementing supply chain tools for greater visibility. This task shouldn’t be too arduous considering the concrete advantages and benefits supply chain professionals can gain by budgeting and […]

8 Elements of an Effective Export Compliance Program

Global logistics is no longer the realm of only large multinational organizations — worldwide connectivity has also ushered small and medium-sized businesses into the international arena. As such, export compliance is a consideration for supply chain managers in companies of all sizes, and an effective export compliance program (ECP) is a necessity for many. What […]

What Could Digital Technology Mean for Your Supply Chain?

An increasingly loud buzz signifies the digital transformation’s importance to smart, successful business operations across industries. Yet, for a host of reasons, logistics professionals have adopted digitization at a slower rate than others. In a 2017 survey, McKinsey & Company analysts measured company digitalization in five business areas: “products and services, marketing and distribution channels, […]

Leverage Demand-Forecasting Data to Gain Advantages

The December cover of Supply & Demand Chain Executive touts “The Rise of Demand-Driven Supply Chains” as the cover story. Demand forecasting has always been a key consideration in supply chain management (SCM), but is it headline-worthy? Using analytics and data to determine potential demand with some level of accuracy for short- and long-term planning […]

The Electronic Logging Device Mandate Is in Effect — What’s the Verdict?

Amid much ado, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) electronic logging device (ELD) mandate went into effect for most carriers Dec. 18, 2017. The FMCSA offered an extension, however, and those still using legacy electronic onboard recorders must comply by Dec. 16, 2019. This regulation requires carriers to replace paper logs with ELDs and […]

Logistics Study Reflects Changing 3PL Role

The 2018 22nd Annual Third-Party Logistics Study reveals current insights and market research around third-party logistics (3PL) provider roles and relationships. Respondents for this year’s study include shipping managers, directors, vice presidents, and executives as well as 3PL executives and managers from various industries, including manufacturing, retail and consumer products, food and beverage, automotive, business […]

The Supply Chain in 3-D

One of many disruptive technologies set to transform the rapidly changing logistics arena is 3-D printing. It’s no longer an indulgence relegated to hobbyists. In fact, 3-D printer shipments could reach nearly seven million by 2020. Those utilizing 3-D printing are already altering supply chain operations and will likely continue contributing to the technology’s transformative […]